Because of this, I recommend that women seeking tattoos consider areas in which there are not dramatic changes in skin tone and flexibility. For example, the ankle, shoulder blade, back of the neck, or lower back areas work well in most cases. Another area where the skin tends to stay relatively firm is the forearms, but this area is more popular for masculine as opposed to
feminine tattoos.
The belly-button area and the breasts are pretty popular areas for feminine tattoos, but these spots are particularly susceptible to a lot of changes in skin elasticity because of pregnancy and to some extent, normal aging. The lower abdomen and pubic area can also be susceptible to sagging, and so while tattoos in these areas can look very sexy, they might not be the best locations over time.
Once you decide on the where, the next step is the what. To begin with, my first recommendation is to NOT get a tatoo of your lover's name anywhere on your body. No matter how good the relationship is right now, things can change!

While men and women who are considering
tattoos have many of the same issues, there are some things that women need to give additional thought to before getting their
tattoo(s). For those ladies who want to be sure to get a feminine tattoo that looks good for life, where the tattoo is placed is probably even more important than what the tattoo is.
Due to
normal aging and the changes that occur during pregnancy, women's bodies are subject to more alterations in the tension and appearance of the skin in certain areas than what is common for men. You don't want a nice, pretty, feminine tattoo in a place where it is likely to be on sagging or stretch-marked skin. Not only do potential skin changes make some areas unsuitable, tattoos can draw attention to areas that you might want to be less noticeable at some point in your life.

The possible choices for what tattoo to get are infinite, so it can be hard to choose. Take your time and figure out what you really want, because short of some really painful (and not 100% effective) methods, once you have it, you can't change your mind. I suggest checking as many resources as you can before making a decision, and you might want to look specifically at galleries dedicated to feminine tattoos, if that's what you want, because it will save you a lot of time.

If you are leaning towards a design like a flower, or a Celtic knot, basically you just choose whatever design you like. A little more research is recommended if you are going to use some kind of symbol or Asian language character that might have a meaning that you would prefer not to have permanently inked on your body. Just because the tatooist thinks a given symbol means something, doesn't mean he or she is right. That lovely Asian character that you think means "Beautiful One" might actually translate to "Cow Dung". So, be sure to do some of your own research before getting a symbol tattoo.
Related to that symbol of all the beauty of a woman lies in the tattoo that he has therefore for the women who make a beautiful tattoo and a good pair that you are stuck ..