Hawaiian Flower Tattoos
By David Schwinler
"Hawaiian flower tattoos" can be a great way to express your homage to the Hawaiian culture. If you're considering a Hawaiian flower tattoo but are reluctant to submit to a common and predictable flower such as a rose or a daisy you should entertain the idea of Hawaiian flower/tropical tattoo. Tropical flowers are often associated as exotic and unusual which evokes images of lush spots of paradise. Hawaii is known for its exotic and flawless flowers. Hawaii is also known for the most variety and abundance of topical flowers than any other place in the world!

Hawaiian Hibiscus Flower Tattoo.
You may want to know the meaning behind a certain flower in order to cement your decision to ink any Hawaiian flower tattoos on your body. Let's look at some flower options for your tattoo.

Hibiscus Flower
1. The Hibiscus is one of the few tropical flowers that are native to Hawaii. The yellow ma'o hau hele hibiscus is the state flower. There are a variety of colors to choose from: white, pink, red, lavender, green, blue, yellow, and orange. A hibiscus flower worn behind the ear of single Hawaiian women represents that she is ready to find a partner for marriage. The traditional meaning of the hibiscus is delicate beauty which could make a great Hawaiian flower tattoo.

Anthurium flowers.
2. Anthurium flowers are commonly bright red and resemble a shape of a heart. Besides the heart shaped beauties, Anthuriums also take the form of tulips. They are the most popular flowers shipped from Hawaii. Anthuriums symbolize hospitality.

Bird of Paradise flower.
3. The Birds of Paradise flower resemble a bird in flight and are colorful and dramatic. The Birds of Paradise symbolizes joyfulness and paradise. If you're looking for a colorful Hawaiian flower tattoo the Birds of Paradise flower could be the right choice.

Orchid Tattoo.
4. Orchids represent magnificence, love, strength, luxury, and beauty. Dendrobium Orchids are popular in Hawaii and have blooms that are shaped like butterflies. Combining the look of the butterfly wings with a Dendrobium Orchid would certainly make a beautiful Hawaiian flower tattoo.

"Pele" Hawaii's volcano and fire goddess.
There are also designated flowers for each island of Hawaii. The official flower of Maui is the pink lokelani (pink cottage rose). The flower of Oahu is the yellow ilima which resembles a tiny hibiscus. Big Island's flower is the red Lehua, a blossom of an ohia tree. According to Hawaiian legend the lehua flower is sacred to Pele, Hawaii's volcano goddess.
Hawaiian flower tattoos are both meaningful and beautiful. A tattoo combining Hawaii's unique and spectacular flowers can be a wonderful homage to Hawaiian culture.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Schwinler